A classic cassava leaves recipe from Congo
500 g of frozen cassava leaves
A bunch greens onions
1 bulb of garlic
2 yellow onions
1 leek
2 green peppers
1 cup of palm oil
2 Tbsp of salt
1 smoked fish
Green habanero pepper (optional)
Rehydrate the smoked fish in boiled water for 20 min. Clean the fish by removing everything except the flesh. Set aside.
Blend the onions, garlic, green onions, leek, and green peppers in a food processor.
Put the cassava leaves with your onion mixture in a large pot with enough water to cover the cassava leaves on high heat.
Add the salt and palm oil. Let it boil for 30 min.
After 30 min, add the smoked fish, habanero pepper and let it boil for 1 hour.
During that hour, keep adding 2 cups of water each time the water runs out.